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Products tagged with 'insect repellent'

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Derm Herbal Veg insect repellent lotion, ready-to-use and immediately effective, ideal against different types of mosquitoes with citronella and eucalyptus fragrance. Protects the skin without oiling it against common, tiger and tropical mosquito bites by providing complete protection for up to 6 hours. Dermatologically tested, also suitable for sensitive skin.
Repellent Body Spray of various fragrances for Insects such as Mosquitoes, Tiger Mosquitoes, Ticks and all annoying pests. Up to 8 hours of protection. Dermatologically tested, 360° valve for easy use
This is a liquid insecticide in which the active ingredient is enclosed within microcapsules that release it only when broken, so the active ingredient in this type of formulation is less dangerous during treatments and its effect is prolonged for up to 3 weeks if the product is not washed away. It acts by contact and ingestion against bedbugs, fleas and ticks.
Highly efficacific and immediate-action insecticide spray, ideal for eliminating Wasp and Hornet nests. It has both indoor and outdoor application and a targeted spray of up to 4 metres.
Derm Herbal Veg insect repellent wipes, ideal against different types of mosquitoes based on an active ingredient of vegetable origin obtained from Citronella essential oil. They protect the skin from common, tiger and tropical mosquito bites while keeping it moisturised and fresh.
Automatic Zig Zag dispenser for insecticide canisters, effective for keeping flying insects away.
Spray canister for timed dispensers for effective protection against flies and mosquitoes. One canister, if left on for 24 hours a day at 15 minute intervals, lasts up to 4 weeks.
Repellent and disabituant designed to remain on the surface as a fine powder, producing a repellent effect for pigeons and other birds and a disabituating effect for dogs and cats, which will stay away from the treated places
Raid Night & Day compressed sand refill that constantly diffuses the active ingredient without additives for 10 days 24 hours a day. A light signals when the product is in operation. After 10 days, when the liquid indicator has completely evaporated, replace the refill.
Insecticide spray suitable for combating flying insects in their adult state. Fast-acting.
Specific insecticide for protecting an open area where you intend to stay for a few hours from mosquitoes. The first immediate effect is to kill all mosquitoes in the area, in the following hours it kills mosquitoes that try to enter the treated area, up to 8 hours without bites. Used indoors, the product acts against mosquitoes but also against phlebotomus and flies.
Insecticide-acaricide spray, specifically for dust mites. Insects die within seconds of spraying. Helps prevent allergies and has a low toxicological profile.
Dry insect repellent spray effectively protects the skin of adults and children from various flying insects such as common mosquitoes, tiger mosquitoes and Anopheles. It also protects against ticks and horseflies. The special formulation is non-greasy and creates a protective barrier, even when sweating.
Derm&Dress insect repellent spray. Applicable only on clothes, it defends against common and tiger mosquito bites, midges and other winged insects. With vegetable active ingredient, it can be used for complete protection and is convenient to apply. It can be sprayed on clothing without fear of wetting or staining fabrics. Lasts up to 8 hours on clothes.
Insecticide for flying insects such as flies and mosquitoes, Rose Bouquet scented. It has immediate and long-lasting efficacy. The dry formula of this insecticide does not wet or stain and allows micronised diffusion of the product, which remains in suspension longer in the air, increasing its persistence and effectiveness.
Insecticide for flying and crawling insects. It has immediate and long-lasting efficacy. The dry formula of this insecticide does not wet or stain and allows micronised diffusion of the product.
Specific product against spiders and spider webs. When sprayed on the spider it instantly knocks it down and, thanks to its prolonged residual effect, acts with repellent action preventing the formation of spider webs.
Mosquito repellent spiral for outdoor use. Each spiral acts immediately after ignition and does not switch off in a breeze. Volcano spirals are effective against the common mosquito, tiger mosquito and other tropical mosquitoes. Contains 10 spirals.
Scented outdoor mosquitoicide spiral. Each spiral acts immediately after being switched on and does not fade in the breeze. Volcano spirals are effective against the common mosquito, tiger mosquito and other tropical mosquitoes. Contains 10 spirals.
Lemongrass-scented vegetable oil for recharging outdoor bamboo torches.